Specifications can quickly become out-of-date and can cause issues in the submittal process, especially when it comes to choosing a qualified manufacturer. Our specification specialists also offer a complementary spec review in which they will provide you with recommended language to bring your template spec up to date with current standards.
Complimentary spec reviews for:
- 054000 – Division 5 Section on Cold-Formed Metal Framing
- 092116 – Division 9 Section on Gypsum Board Assemblies
- 092216 – Division 9 Section on Non-Structural Metal Framing
SCAFCO is dedicated to meet the rising demands in product innovation and cost saving installation methods for the building and construction industry. Implementing SCAFCO’s suggested language can add value to your future projects, improve performance, and help meet completion targets.
For a complimentary specification review, contact us at (509) 343-9000 or e-mail us at Technical@SCAFCO.com
How to include SCAFCO products in your office master
- Perform a master update. This enables you to see updates to the master text.
- Go to Part 2 of the spec, which lists manufacturers and products.
- Select SCAFCO from the list of manufacturers.
- If a relevant SCAFCO product is found, select it from the list. Note that products will only appear here if they are a fit for your pre-determined criteria. A check mark will indicate that the product has been added to your spec.
- Repeat the selection process for any other project/master files you routinely copy to generate project specs.
SCAFCO’s products are available in MasterSpec powered by Deltek Specpoint, the long time industry research and specification resource.
MasterSpec is the only product selection tool that provides the design professional unbiased, objective information on building products written by professional architects and engineers, and vetted by AIA-sponsored architectural and engineering review committees.
Find SCAFCO in sections 054000 and 092216.
Update your MasterSpec listing today!
Continuing Education
As an architect, you never stop learning – or earning credits for continuing education.
SCAFCO is here for you!
Earn AIA CES LU/HSW credit Now!
Schedule a “Lunch and Learn” presentation today!
For In-Person or Virtual Presentation Requests – Click Here.
SCAFCO offers AIA presentations either personally or virtually.
Through our partnership with AEC Daily, SCAFCO now offers one-hour courses to help you move forward with your studies. With topics from Acoustic Solutions and Fire Wall Design Innovations to Improved Construction Methods for Cold Formed Steel Framing, these courses are:
- Free: AEC Daily is a free online resource for architects, contractors, and engineers.
- Convenient: With online self-paced, face-to-face, and live on-demand options, we’ll work around your schedule. (24 hours a day – 7 days a week).
- Low-stress: Presented in a Lunch & Learn format, these classes allow you to sit back, enjoy a bite to eat, and benefit from our expertise.
Check out the link, and let SCAFCO support your ongoing education!